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4 Reasons Why Idebenone Helps People With LHONs (Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy)

4 Reasons Why Idebenone Helps People With LHONs (Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy)

By Christopher McMullen December 09, 2019 | | 0 comments

Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy disease affects one in 50,000 people, which means it makes the list of rare diseases. Unfortunately with rare diseases, treatment and possible cures are even rarer.  However, in the case of Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, there may be one possible form of treatment. For some time now,...

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Idebenone Compared to CoQ10: What's the Difference?

Idebenone Compared to CoQ10: What's the Difference?

By Blake Cooley December 05, 2019 | | 0 comments

Much like CoQ10, it can be taken as a supplement to internally fight free radicals or topically to externally fight them. It's even said that Idebenone is able to slow down the aging process much better than CoQ10. They're also prescribed in higher dosages by doctors for a variety of...

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What Exactly is Idebenone?

What Exactly is Idebenone?

By Blake Cooley December 02, 2019 | | 0 comments

"A powerful antioxidant." While many people are using this phrase to describe idebenone, that doesn't capture the whole picture. Idebenone is used for patients with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy as well as patients with Multiple Sclerosis. It's also used for patients with Alzheimer's, Huntington's, liver disease, and heart disease, among others. With...

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The Many Wonderful Effects of Idebenone

The Many Wonderful Effects of Idebenone

By Blake Cooley November 14, 2019 | | 0 comments

A whopping $2.5 billion—that's how much the global food antioxidants market was worth in 2018. And come 2025, it will surpass the $3 billion count. In the US alone, three-quarters of adults take some form of dietary supplements. About 98% of those people say they do so to boost their intake of vitamins...

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Idebenone Safety

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

Idebenone is well established as a completely safe protocol. Its cellular distribution and antioxidant profile has proven to be superior to Coq10 in neutralizing certain types of free radicals and is more conducive than CoQ10 in protecting noxious free-radical leakage in the cell’s mitochondria. In the US, it is sold...

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Idebenone – Super Antioxidant

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

Studies have shown that too little and too much oxygen actually cause other anti-oxidants (like vitamin E, C and coenzyme q ten) to become so overwhelmed by the job of supporting mitochondria such that they actually become oxidation agents, causing us to continue rusting from inside out. Yes, these inferior...

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Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy & Idebenone

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

Also known as Leber’s Disease, Leber’s optic neuropathy is a painless eye disease typically found in young males. Because it is painless most victims are completely unaware of it until they manifest blurry vision. Four out of five sufferers are boys. Visual encumbrances usually begin in one eye three months...

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Anti-aging benefits of Idebenone

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

itochondria, Oxygen, Energy Production and How Idebenone Slows Down Aging better than CoQ10  The first job of the trillions of mitochondria in our body is to produce ATP for cell energy. The second is to synthesize Pregnenolone, the precursor of all hormones. When it comes to preserving and extending life,...

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How to apply transdermal Idebenone cream

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

For those of you who don’t like taking capsules there are several ways to administer a protocol; eating, drinking, smoking suppositories, hypodermic needle . . . . One of the most efficient ways is liposomes. Liposomes directly metabolizes their contents into skin cells expressing their pay load into circulation along...

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Idebenone Certificate of Analysis

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

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What is Friedreich’s Ataxia

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

Friedreich’s ataxia is a neuro-degenerative disease in which the mitochondria in the cells are progressively destroyed as free radicals attack them. In its early stages Friedreich’s is characterized by loss of balance while standing and walking and slowly progresses to wheelchair dependency. It often results in premature death. It presents...

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Idebenone Cream Protects Human Skin Against UVA and UVB Sun damage

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 | | 0 comments

It is a well- known fact that sun exposure is responsible for photo-aging and the appearance of prematurely aging skin. It does this by eroding the dermal matrix of elastin and collagen fibers. What is not well known is that sun damage inflicted on our skin is even more sinister...

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