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How to apply transdermal Idebenone cream

By Idebenone Admin July 27, 2019 0 comments

For those of you who don’t like taking capsules there are several ways to administer a protocol; eating, drinking, smoking suppositories, hypodermic needle . . . . One of the most efficient ways is liposomes. Liposomes directly metabolizes their contents into skin cells expressing their pay load into circulation along the way. Each quarter teaspoon of idebenone cream is the equivalent of 25 mgs of idebenone. Please remember that the cream has greater bioavailability therefore you don’t need to take as much.

Why apply idebenone to the skin as well as “pulse points”?

Though liposomally delivered idebenone cream has an excellent rejuvenating affect upon the skin it may also be applied to the pulse points. These are the points on the body where we can feel our heartbeat. They include the top of the foot (dorsalis pedis), just below the ankle (poster tibia), behind the knee (popliteal), genital area, (femoral), the wrist (radial), upper wrist (ulnar), inside the elbow (brachial), throat (carotid), in front of the ear (external maxillary), the Pulse Pointstemples (superficial temporal). At these points the veins are closer to the surface of the skin, hence we feel a stronger heartbeat in these areas. As the liposomal spheres of idebenone enter the circulatory system the increased pulsing and increased warmth of pulse points enhance a faster, stronger presence of the contents of the liposomal spheres.

Overview of Liposomes

Liposomes are tiny phospholipids (water/fat) pouches that are identical to human cell membranes. Think of the jar of idebenone not as a cream but a trillian little liposom bubbles.

For those of you who don’t like taking capsules there are several ways to administer medication. One of the most efficient ways is via liposomes. Liposomes have the capacity to directly metabolize their contents into skin cells expressing their pay load into circulation along the way. Liposomes are tiny phospholipids (water/fat) pouches that are identical to human cell membranes. Think of the jar of idebenone not as a cream but a trillian little liposome bubbles. The expression, “You are not what you eat, but what you absorb,” has never been more true than when referring to liposomes. Their cell walls are so close in architecture to human cells they can easily transfer their payload (in this case idebenone) directly into the cell. Think of a liposome like a snowball that melts away unleashing the liposome’s purer payload. Concomitant to their advanced delivery they prevent further oxidation, take more pressure off the liver, continue to work over a period of 20 hours.

Dosage: One quarter teaspoon of idebenone cream is the equivalent of 25 mgs of idebenone. Please remember that the cream has greater bioavailability therefore you don’t need to take as much. A great way to administer it to by covering the face as it will metabolize into four layers of skin. Start around the eyes; upper and lower, the cheeks, jawline. Leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes. You may rinse with water and pat dry with a paper towel. You will be rejuvenating the mitochondria in all internal organ cells including the brain while treating your face to an unbelievably rejuvenating mask

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