Idebenone Cream Protects Human Skin Against UVA and UVB Sun damage
It is a well- known fact that sun exposure is responsible for photo-aging and the appearance of prematurely aging skin. It does this by eroding the dermal matrix of elastin and collagen fibers. What is not well known is that sun damage inflicted on our skin is even more sinister...
ALS-Related Protein Causes Disease in Animal Model, Suggesting Therapy Target beyond Idebenone
Recent studies by the Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis (ALS) Association has demonstrated the loss of a closely related ALS protein that caused the degeneration of the motor neurons that are affected by ALS. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ALS, AKA Lou Gehrig’s Disease is a neurodegenerative...

Happy people can live longer when taking Idebenone
It is a statistical al fact that happy people live longer than sad people. But, happiness is not the reason happy people live longer than sad people. According to a new Australian study just published in The Lancet—on of our most highly regarded peer-reviewed scientific journals—it is the behaviors that happy...